LFN Webinar: VPP in your home lab? Yep. Right now.
Vector Packet Processing (VPP) from the project enables astounding software packet processing. It represents where the world is heading for many packet processing needs across edge networking, cloud native networking, and 5G infrastructure. Many network engineers are aware of VPP, but really don’t have a fast, easy way to try it out for themselves, just to see what it’s all about. But if they could, who knows what they might do with it? Good news. There is a way to kick the VPP tires!
In this webinar, Audian Paxson from Netgate will walk through how this is done while engaging with end users of the technology: Mike Jennings, Voxtelesys; Dan Streufert, ADS-B Exchange; and Jerry Wilson, Region 5 ESC for their insights.