
How to Test Drive TNSR Software on-premises & in the Cloud

Written by Netgate | February 28, 2024

TNSR® software is an Enterprise VPN Concentrator & vRouter solution that provides hyper-speed edge routing, powerful site-to-site & mobile VPN capabilities, and cloud connectivity for enterprises and service providers

The value proposition of TNSR software is simple: Astounding router throughput with breakthrough economics. TNSR software achieves this performance through Vector Packet Processing (VPP) technology, which propels TNSR software to speed gains of up to two orders of magnitude over traditional kernel-based packet processing solutions.

As a VPN Concentrator, both on-premises and in the cloud, TNSR software can provide the most scalable and performant Mobile and Site-to-Site IPsec connections as well as high-performance and scalable Wireguard® VPN connections, all at the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO).

These are bold statements, but how can you verify them? 

There are two types of Proof of Concepts that Netgate can assist you with:

On-Premises TNSR POC

Send an email to with the subject line “TNSR POC.” A technical team member will contact you for an initial call. During this call, we’ll cover the details of the use case, the type of hardware you wish to run TNSR on (CPU, memory, bandwidth, etc), and success criteria. Once this is confirmed, Netgate will send you evaluation licenses for TNSR, and one of our team members will support you with any implementation or technical questions.

Cloud POC

Don’t want to run a POC on your expensive hardware? We have you covered. In both AWS and Azure, Netgate can help cover the costs of the TNSR software as well as the infrastructure, I/O, and other costs for a 30-day POC. The steps are the same: email with the subject line “TNSR POC in AWS/Azure.” Our technical and cloud team will respond and review the use case, the AWS/Azure costs, success criteria, etc. Our cloud team will submit a funding request to AWS/Azure, and the credits will be deposited directly into your cloud account. The funding request can take up to 14 days. From there, we can begin the POC, and as always, our team will be there to answer any implementation or technical questions.


High-Performance Routing and VPN does not have to be expensive, and we can prove it! Contact the Netgate team to start your TNSR trial or an on-premises POC, Cloud POC…or BOTH!